Here’s What You Should Know About Anime Comic Books

Anime comic books, also known as Japanese manga, are massively popular with fans. The fantasy manga One Piece has reportedly sold over 500 million copies globally since 1997. Once a fringe collectors medium, manga is now globally popular with Hollywood trying to adapt manga to film and TV in the same way they have with Marvel comic books.
Are you interested in anime comic books? One thing you should know is that manga can be read by anyone at any age. The Westernized and translated versions of manga lose something in translation. Also, there is a reason why the characters have such huge eyeballs. Here are 10 things you should know about anime comic books.
1. Don’t Call Them Anime Comic Books

Inside and outside of Japan, anime comic books are exclusively referred to as “manga.” Manga is an ancient Japanese art form that dates back as far as the 12 century. “Manga,” roughly translates to the phrase, “whimsical pictures.” The modern concept and aesthetic dimensions of what we call manga today took shape during the Edo period of Japanese society (1603 – 1867).
2. Manga Refers to Both Comic Books and Anime in Japan

In the United States, you should only refer to anime comic books are manga unless you want to be considered a poseur or novice. However, manga can refer to either a comic book, graphic novel, or cartoon in Japan.
3. Anime Refers to Japanese Cartoons

In the United States, we call animated entertainment cartoons, but Japanese cartoons are referred to as anime. Even if the anime is adapted from a popular manga, it is referred to as an anime in the U.S. So manga and anime are the same thing within Japan and two distinct mediums outside of its borders.
4. Manga is Loyal to the Artistic Visions of the Creator, Unlike American Comic Books

Comic book publication culture and traditions dictate that creative teams can change without previous notice. For example, the comic book writer and art team on issues #1 through #6 of a series can abruptly change with issue #7. Anime comic books, or manga, are notorious for the same writer and artist working on the manga for the entirety of the series and on all successive volumes or continuations.
5. Anime Comic Books Are Published in Informal, Serialized Manners

Most American comic books are published on a monthly and sometimes bimonthly schedule, depending on the publisher. Then, the six or 12-month story arcs are republished in graphic novel form or trades. Most manga is usually published chapter by chapter in weekly and sometimes monthly manga anthology magazines. The weekly or monthly chapters are then later published in collected volumes.
6. Anime Comic Books Are Shorter and Thicker Than Traditional Comic Books

The traditional modern comic books as published by Marvel or DC are usually 6.6 inches wide, 10.25 inches tall, and 32 pages long. Some manga magazines might have similar dimensions, but the collected chapters and issues of one manga in graphic novel form look more like shorter and thicker novels. A manga graphic novel might be five inches wide, 7.5 inches tall, and hundreds of pages long relative to its prior publication history.
7. Traditional Manga is Read From Right to Left

The Japanese written language is read in up-and-down vertical columns from right to left from the last page to the first page. So, if you read traditional manga, you will notice that the word balloons have traditional Japanese characters in vertical columns. The first page is the last page and the last page is the first page, relative to how Westerners traditionally read from left to right. Westernized versions of anime comic books are translated and inversely printed, but this process can sometimes distort the artwork and sequencing of panels.
8. Manga and Anime Characters Have Huge Eyes Because of Walt Disney

Many manga experts believe that manga and anime characters have large, wide, and circular eyes mainly as a shortcut for narrative storytelling. Creators can use exaggerated eye expressions to easily convey emotion and narrative story beats. Other experts believe that the trend started in 1952 when famed artist Osamu Tezuka, creator of Astoboy, was inspired by the large eyes of Disney characters, especially Bambi. Tezuka incorporated the look into his own style and later influenced others.
9. Manga is Traditionally Published in Black and White Only

While numerous manga publications are published in color, almost all manga are black and white, unlike most American comic books. Some manga experts believe that Japanese publishers want readers to focus on the art content without distractions from colors. Others believe that the high cost of living in Japan, inflation, high cost of ink supplies, and firm deadlines mean that black-and-white manga issues save money for publishers and readers alike.
10. There Are 5 Basic Tiers of Anime Comic Books

There are too many genres and types of manga to count. Manga can be read by people of any age, young, middle age, or older. Still, there are five basic tiers of manga that publishers use to target certain demographics in Japan. These metrics may be outdated now considering the genre’s global appeal.
“Shonen” manga is for boys under age 15. “Seinen,” is targeted to young male adults between the ages of 15 to 24. “Shojo,” manga is aimed at female readers aged 10 to 18. “Josei,” manga are romance-themed stories aimed at adult women. “Kodomomuke,” manga is a simplistic and moral-driven story aimed at young children.
Anyone of Any Age Can Read Manga

There was a time when comic books were considered children’s entertainment in the United States. Manga has always been an art medium that readers of any age can enjoy. If you’re burned out on American comic books then ask friends for recommendations or take a chance and try out some random manga today.
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Allen Francis is a full-time writer, prolific comic book investor and author of The Casual’s Guide: Why You Should Get Into Comic Book Investing. Allen holds a BA degree from Marymount Manhattan College. Before becoming a writer Allen was an academic advisor, librarian, and college adjunct for many years. Allen is an advocate of best personal financial practices including saving and investing in your own small business.