5 things to consider before applying to a mortgage

August 30, 2021

A mortgage is one of the biggest financial commitments one has to make in their lifetime. Such commitments require a lot of planning and consideration to get the best deal for yourself.

Understanding all the factors that come into play before applying for a mortgage is crucial in determining whether it’s the right time for you. Mortgages are long-term commitments, and before applying for one, it’s always best to be as educated on the matter as possible.

Long-term budget

Since mortgages are paid over many years, the first thing to consider is your long-term finances. Before taking out a mortgage for a house, make sure that you can handle the monthly payments for many years down the line.

Ask yourself: “Will I be able to maintain my current income?”, “What are the chances of me increasing my income?”, “How long do I plan to stay at my current job?”.

All of these factors play into your long-term budget.


Remember, you aren’t just thinking five years into the future. You have to consider if you’ll be able to make consistent payments during the entire mortgage term.

Some experts recommend getting a mortgage with a monthly payment that doesn’t exceed 33% of your monthly home takings. You should never get a mortgage that you can’t afford or one that puts on stress on your shoulders. A popular mortgage broker like Breezeful can help you get a mortgage within your budget.

Debt to income ratio

When applying for pre-qualification, having a poor debt-to-income ratio can mean you won’t qualify for the loan you want. Before applying for any loan, especially a mortgage, it is always best to have a good debt-to-income ratio to convince lenders that you qualify for the loans and can consistently make payments.

The two best ways to get a better debt-to-income ratio are paying off outstanding debts and increasing your income. Paying off credit cards, students loans, and car loans is a great way to improve your debt-to-income ratio without having to make more money.

Along these lines, it’s also recommended to ensure you have a good credit score before applying for a mortgage. Better credit scores can help you qualify for lower interest rates, saving you significant amounts of money in the long run.

And the best way to boost your credit score is to pay off bills and loans on time. 

Understanding the different loan options

Before applying for a mortgage, understand all the different options available.

Many first-time homeowners aren’t aware of all the other loans they can apply for, which prevents them from getting the best deal for their current financial situation.

Some of the loans include fixed-rate and adjustable-rate loans. As the names suggest, interest rates on fixed-rate mortgages do not change, while interest on adjustable-rate loans can either go up or down over time. 

Some states even offer programs for first-time homebuyers. These programs give you access to certain benefits that vary from state to state.

Understanding all the options available is a crucial factor to consider before applying for a mortgage.

Finding the right lender

The lender is one of the most important things to consider before applying for a mortgage in the USA. The right lender can make finding a home and applying for a mortgage much easier.

And if all your documents are already in order and you meet the qualifications, the right lender will make for a more convenient application process.

When finding a lender for a mortgage, make sure they understand the mortgage business and explain all the different options available for you. It’s essential to find a reputable lender while considering the interest rates, mortgage points, and other fees involved in the service.

The paperwork

After deciding on a lender, the last thing you need to consider before applying is the paperwork. Each lender requires a different set of documents, so it’s vital to have them handy and ready for filing when applying for a mortgage.

Most lenders request pay stubs, tax returns from the past year, and bank statements. Other common documents you need to provide are proof of assets, credit card statements, and loan statements

Having some of these documents ready before applying can make it much more convenient to apply for a mortgage.


Applying for a mortgage can be an exciting and nerve-wracking process at the same time. Considering all these factors from above is a great way to ease your mind and make it much easier to apply for a mortgage. Remember, you will be paying off a mortgage for many years, so make sure you are ready for the commitment and consider everything before signing the papers.

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