
Over-Tourism: 11 Places That Are Suffering from Their Popularity  


Over-tourism is a paradoxical problem where countries that financially thrive on international tourism are also ...

10 Traditional Jobs Facing Imminent Obsoletion 

Traditional jobs

Obsolescence is the ominous henchman of progress; one usually can’t exist without the other. It’s also a very ...

17 Outrageous Luxury Services Only Billionaires Can Afford 

luxury services

Some cynics believe that only ethics, morals, and spirituality prevent the poor from eating the rich. Still, rich ...

Baby Boomers Retiring Abroad: 10 Drawbacks  

Retiring Abroad

Millions of Americans of varying ages live abroad in foreign countries. Many Baby Boomers are also retiring abroad ...

12 Best Superheroes And Villains NOT Created by Marvel or DC 

marvel or DC

Whenever you hear the term “superhero” now, you probably think of Marvel or DC superheroes. Some of the best ...

Living In Your Car? 10 Safety Precautions You Should Take Right Now

Living in your car

“Peace,” is just another word for, “home.” Home is where we all strive to be comfortable and have peace of ...