Exploring three of the highest paying undergraduate degrees

January 18, 2024

Going to college is a fantastic experience, but it’s also a huge expense. From tuition fees to living costs, your years as a student soon add up. As such, it’s understandable that you want to make sure that they’re worth the extra cost and effort, giving your eventual salary a boost above the amount you could earn if you didn’t attend college.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for every degree. Some courses are necessary to be qualified for a certain role, but they don’t offer the large salary that you might be looking for. On the other end of the scale, there are some degrees that generally do offer well-paid jobs once you’ve graduated. It’s not a perfect science, but if you’re looking to increase your earning potential after college, read on to discover the courses you might want to put in an application for.

Economics and finance

Perhaps unsurprisingly, economics and finance degrees offer strong financial prospects after you’ve thrown your mortarboard in the air, with an average graduate salary of $133,000. Graduates in this sector often go on to work as financial analysts, bankers, credit analysts and accountants, all of which are essential to the business world, making them highly in-demand. 

These are both very popular degree courses in the US, especially due to the rise of entrepreneur culture, where many graduates want to go on and start their own businesses – the diversity of modules studied on these courses make it easy to shape your degree to your areas of interest. 


Animal lovers will be happy to know that not all high-paying degree courses involve sitting in an office all day after graduation. Zoology covers the study of animals, including their environments, behaviors and how to keep them happy and well. It typically consists of a mix of classroom work, lab work and practical experience, making it a great choice for those who want to get some time with the animals first-hand, rather than just studying them through textbooks.

Whilst many zoology graduates go on to work in a zoo, or as a vet, it also qualifies you for specialist research, being a gamekeeper, or even a museum curator. You’re setting yourself up for a life dedicated to protecting and understanding animals – with a healthy paycheck as an added bonus.

Computer science

Technology is a huge part of our everyday lives, and as such, it’s no surprise that computer science graduates are up there with some of the highest earners after graduation. From working with emerging AI technology to shiny new tech startups, this sector is perhaps one of the most dynamic and exciting out there, with plenty of opportunities for employment.

Students in this area will also benefit by learning transferable skills that can be used across a variety of different industries, meaning that you don’t just have to work purely with tech if you want to do something more diversified.

Take your time to choose your course

Potential earning prospects can be a big motivator when it comes to choosing a undergraduate course, but it’s also important to consider if the subject interests you enough for you to learn about it for several years. After all, commitment and perseverance are the motivators that will get you through those long hours of academic study – not your future paychecks. 


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