Money-Saving Tips When it Comes to Your Car

June 28, 2022
 By Erin H.

Transportation costs are all over the news and on all of our minds. In this period of extreme inflation, especially on fuel, relying on automobiles seems daunting. However, while you can’t find a way around crazy gas prices, there are some car habits you can adopt that will save you money and offset the soaring prices at the pumps.

Keep Up With Routine Maintenance

It may feel counterintuitive, but being strict about routine maintenance is incredibly important right now. Faithfully keeping up with oil changes and getting your car inspected for small failures will save you the cost of big repairs or replacements. With this point comes the advice to find an honest mechanic who will be fully transparent about what service your car does and does not need. The used car market features extremely high prices and only lemons left on the lot right now, so doing everything you can to keep your car in good working order will be the most efficient thing you can do with your money in the long run. Take advantage of oil change punch card programs and other promotions to keep routine maintenance costs low.

Make Your Driving More Fuel Efficient

Something that swiftly decreases your gas mileage is abrupt stopping and starting, as well as driving at extreme (slow or fast) velocities. Learn to keep a significant following distance behind the car in front of you to avoid decelerating rapidly and slamming on the brakes. Gradually accelerate when the light turns green or it’s your turn to advance past a stop sign. Find roads and routes that are devoid of traffic and constant starts and stops from traffic lights and stop signs. When possible, find routes in which you can put your car in cruise control to optimize your fuel efficiency.

Consider Replacing Your Car

It’s no secret that some cars are absolute gas guzzlers. This is particularly true of trucks and large SUVs. When given the option, you should opt for a smaller car on small trips that don’t require you to haul a bunch of people or equipment. Perhaps your only car is severely lacking in fuel efficiency. It’s not rare for the driver of a large truck to pay more than double what the driver of a small car pays for gas. Consider whether this is something you can afford to do indefinitely and if not, trade your car in for one that gets better gas mileage. If you are dead set on driving a truck or SUV, consider whether you could save costs by switching to a hybrid or electric vehicle. Even cars that seem alike may have big differences in weight and fuel efficiency. For example, some racing cars or roadsters can weigh up to 3,400 pounds. In contrast, Cobras are known for weighing much less. These things are important to know when considering fuel economy.

Back in the day, there weren’t many options when buying a car. In 1908, the highly successful Model T was introduced. Demand for this car was so great that Ford developed new mass-production methods in order to manufacture it in sufficient quantities. For many years, it was virtually the only game in town. Now, there are many options, and drivers should figure out what fits best with their fuel budget.

The Music Myth

There’s a myth that doing things such as listening to music can affect fuel economy. If true, this could be a big concern, as the global car audio market is expected to be valued at $52,397.5 million by 2027. Well, it’s true in an indirect way. Adding tons of audio equipment to your vehicle could cause it to weigh significantly more and decrease fuel economy. The real concern in this area is that music affects emotions, and drivers that drive too angrily or excitedly can do so in a way that is detrimental to performance.

Again, while you can’t contend with ever-increasing gas prices, you have the power to change some things for better fuel efficiency. Make sure you’re in the right car, driving the right way, and taking care of your wheels to get the most bang for your buck behind the wheel.

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